6 High-Impact Marketing Ideas to Promote Your Catering Business During COVID-19 Pandemic

6 high-impact marketing during covid-19 pandemic ideas to promote your catering business Jun 16, 2020

The hospitality sector is worst affected by the coronavirus outbreak. The hotels, restaurants, and catering businesses have virtually come to a standstill altogether, which is terrifying!

On a positive note, in the last couple of months, countries are trying to get back on track and learning to live with this virus. 

So, whether you own a family bistro across town, a hotel at an eminent tourist destination, or an event catering company, it’s time to flush out all the negativity from your head.

Instead, seek innovative ideas to get your derailed business back on track. Start from square one and find fresh ways to market your catering business again.

With this in mind, we’ve rounded up six killer marketing ideas to promote your catering business amid the COVID-19 crisis. So, let’s check these: -

#1 Revamp Your Website For a Fresh Start After Lockdown

Your website is a powerful lead-generation tool, and spending in revamping it is the need of the hour to bail out of this crisis.

Clearly illustrate what safety and hygiene measure your business is taking to protect customers while complying the state protocols of social distancing.

Share interesting blogs, videos, and news enlightening people with the right knowledge to stay safe from coronavirus. All these will reinforce your brand value in the best interest of the customers.

Beyond the website design, your catering site must incorporate self-service features such as contact-less serving, online orders, all for their safety and convenience.

#2 Unlock Your True Potential with Internet Marketing

A well-thought and tailored digital marketing strategy can open the floodgates of organic traffic to your catering site, even during the coronavirus pandemic.

#2.1 SEO

Invest in search engine optimization activities to increase organic traffic and accentuate your search engine result rankings.

#2.2 SMO

Build your brand presence over various social media channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Instagram by sharing the latest news, updates, videos about the events you recently catered. Consider targeted social media ads for improved results.

#2.3 PPC

Gain high-quality sales lead using PPC advertising campaigns. You can advertise for local searches, for example, catering services in "Boston City" as well as events like "wedding catering."

Internet marketing isn't a stroll in the park; it requires effort, dedication, and above all, practical market knowledge to deliver measurable results. That’s why professional online marketing services could prove to be a game-changer for your business.

#3 Professional Event Photos to Win Customer Confidence

Never leave it to your customers to scratch their heads, visualizing how you cater to their function when the pandemic has influenced our lives.

The photos will give them the confidence that they can trust you.

The pictures and videos will highlight all the safety measures you are taking, such as the catering staff wearing a mask and necessary safety gear to ensure the minimum contact service.

#4 Brand your Delivery Van For Great Exposure

Even though these days, people are hesitant to step out, it pays to promote your catering services to a broader audience base through home delivery on vans, scooters, or bikes.

Make sure that your business vehicles are branded using the catering business logo and contact details.

Consult a brand specialist to help you update your graphics to better connect with your prospective audience.

#5 Update your Google Listing

When someone does a quick Google search for your catering business, then on the right side of the SERP, your business details like contact number, the hour of operation, and even business photos show up.

As the majority of people will find your business through Google Business listing, make sure your company address is correct and up to date.

Click "Suggest an Edit" to update it, especially your hour of service, if you are not fully functioning during the coronavirus pandemic.


#6 Coupons & Discounts to Drive Revenue

While you are working out a long-term marketing strategy, coupons and discounts can help you obtain booking these days.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Send exclusive coupon codes to your loyal customers and social media followers to retain your loyal customers.

 Growing You­­­­­r Catering Business With Us

Long story short, marketing your catering business post-COVID-19 lockdown seems daunting at first, but as long as you devote time and effort to implement ingenious tricks and tips, you can’t go wrong.

Don’t forget to consult a local SEO agency to draft an effective catering marketing plan in line with your marketing goals and budget.

Do you want your business to survive through the tough times? Reach out to us at (949) 424-7824 today to receive a FREE marketing proposal and get a consultation from a seasoned strategist.

Stay Safe & Healthy!

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