5 Tips For Your Catering Business Advertising Campaign on Facebook

catering business advertising campaign on facebook Jun 16, 2020

Most catering businesses struggle to take their business beyond their local market. Do you find yourself in a similar situation? Then, running optimized Facebook advertising campaigns can help you reach a broader audience base.

With Facebook advertising, you can achieve:-

  • Fine-Tuned Targeting
  • Large-Mobile Audience
  • Market Data Analytics
  • Brand Awareness
  • Improved Click-Through Rates

However, driving ROI from Facebook isn't as easy as you might perceive, and may end up losing money.

Don't you worry, just read the five tactics to nail your Facebook advertising campaigns. So, let's check out these:-

#1 Interest-Based Targeting - Narrowing Down on Your Audience

Facebook is the undisputed heavyweight champion when it comes to targeting versatility. As a business, you can target your ad based upon a myriad of factors. These include gender, age, interest, relationship status, etc.

For example, during the 2010 FIFA World cup, Adidas launched a sales campaign. They used Facebook to reach out to the growing social media interested in the game. They reached over one million Facebook users, and their brand awareness soared by 13% around the globe.

With Facebook, you've got the potential to achieve conversion rates of your wildest dreams — the market is enormous.

As you are running a catering business, target people who organize events such as engagement, birthday, retirement, baby showers, etc.  Add more filters on Facebook to narrow down the compelling tastes and preferences of your target audience and improve the conversion rate.

For expert advice, talk to our marketing strategist at (949) 424-7824 to provide you with a customized quote for professional online marketing services.

#2 Select Campaign Objectives

When creating a Facebook ad campaign, you'll be asked the objective of your campaign. The following are the objectives to choose from:-

  • Lead generation
  • Messages
  • Store visits
  • Catalogue sales
  • Conversions
  • Brand awareness
  • Engagement
  • Reach
  • App installs
  • Video views

By selecting the campaign objectives, you can attract a growing number of people to your catering business website. 

#3 Build Convertible Landing Pages

Getting a lead is just one half of the puzzle, but translating that into sales is the real daunting task. For that, you require high-converting landing pages for your Facebook pages.

Your landing page needs to tick all the boxes to achieve a higher conversion rate. These include a gripping title that impresses your visitor; the subheadings need to be attractive yet pretty straightforward for your readers to digest.

Most importantly, the Call-to-action[CTA] button has to be placed appropriately on the landing page. Avoid it too early or too late in the content, the position matters.

The color scheme of your CTA must be such that it is appealing from a distance; it has been seen this has a significant impact on the overall conversion.

But, that's just the beginning, your landing page must focus on presenting value to your readers; otherwise, all your Facebook ads spending will go in vain.

So, the bottom line: Whether you are doing SEO or running a Facebook Ad campaign, having high-converting landing pages is imperative.

#4 Power of Videos

In recent years, video metrics have dramatically increased. A Hubspot report revealed that 54% of Internet users want more video content from the business or brand they support.

From the brand's point of view, videos provide a vast scope of entertainment and creativity to better connect with their prospective audience.

People are happy to pause for a few seconds to watch the video while scrolling through their account’s timeline.

Creating a Facebook Ad Funnel with your business video can drive higher revenue. Run a video campaign that appeals to cold traffic or lookalike audiences.

The Video must be focused on your brand story. For instance, a video illustrating the journey of your catering business and what all it offers to the customers.

#5 Promote Your Chef Special Dishes with Facebook Carousel Ads

The carousel ads are perfect for displaying all your exquisite dishes in a single, swipe-able Ad.

With this type of Facebook Ad, you can display up to ten videos or images — with ten different CTAs — links to dedicated landing pages from each panel of Facebook carousel ads.

These ads are perfect for mobile & desktop and have the capability to help you meet every marketing objective.

Whether you want to shoot up your local bookings or to create brand awareness nationwide, carousel ads got you covered.


Creating a Facebook Ad campaign is just the beginning. You are required to have an effective mechanism to review the performance and make the necessary tweaks.

This is how you can quickly narrow down on what works best for your brand. On the other way round, you'll end up driving wrong people to your landing page and wasting money.

What other strategies did you find useful in creating a Facebook ad campaign that converts like crazy? Share your opinion in the comment section of this blog post!

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